
Photos at Christmas

By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 10, 2012

A couple times a year I set up the "studio" work with a flash which I'm starting to have aha moments with and make my family pose.  I became the first victum I mean subject.  Armed with my tripod, one studio light, my on-camera flash and my remote I snapped some photos, repositioned, snapped some more, read an article, snap even more photos, turn the flash, made plans and read some more.  Then I started editing them.  I decided that I liked the black and white versions of most of them better than the color.  They seem more moody and emotional.  I've always been drawn to black and white photos.  There's a richness and depth to them that is enhanced without the color.  I'm still working on the conversion aspect of it.  To quote on of my favorite contemporary photographers "Make your blacks black and your whites white."  David DuChemin.  I think he might have been quoting someone else.  So one of my goals is to not have muddy black and whites but to have that contrast.  It is a work in progress.  Most of the photos are of me.  I sat the longest and work the hardest for the photos and well I'm not in many of the other photos so this was my chance.  Isaac's little friend photo bombing our photo.  This was really the only photo of Isaac that I got.  He's get "too" old to pose for me.  Just wait for his senior photos.  We'll have some years to make up.

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