
Trim the Tree

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Hot cocoa is a must for decorating

missed him by that much

This year we had just our family for decorating the tree and everyone was home for it.  It's an advent activity.  Isaac was more interested in the hot cocoa than in the decorating (I'm thinking manager - Dilbert style), Job and Lona got into it and John does the most important job; putting the star on the tree.  We only had one casuality and the dog didn't even move. I place the tree on a small table so that it looks bigger someday I'm getting a slim unlit 9ft tree.  I don't want a lit one because if one light goes then you have a problem. Last year after Christmas I purchased a artificial tree bucket to hold the tree.  I was so tired of fighting with the red metal one.  This one is sturdy and I love the rustic look.  You just can't see it in the photo.   After the tree is up, I rearrange the ornaments so they aren't clustered or in a position to fall and break and then I spend about 30 minutes photographing the tree.  I prop up the camera or place it on a tripod and then use an aperature value of 18 or so, an ISO of 100 and then a long shutter speed so that I can get the starbursts of the lights.  It just makes it seem to twinkle for me.  I like the bokeh effect of using a wide open aperture and the blobs of light too but for a different effect. 

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