
A new pet

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, September 30, 2014
A small boy excitedly strolled through the door after soccer practice.  Dirt and grass clinging to his wet cleats started dropping off on the hard wood floor as he wove his way through the house to find his mother. "Can we go now?" he eagerly demanded.  The mother smiled down at the boy hopping from foot to foot in anticipation.  Then she announced...

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A Help

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, September 24, 2014
I wander towards the dock this time in the morning with my coffee in  hand. I pause a moment at an oyster bed that has been uncovered by the tide going out. I place my books down grabbing my camera and explore, looking at the reflection of the mountains in the tide pool. The clouds hugging the mountains in little wisps. The sun...

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A Landing

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, September 23, 2014
It's mid-afternoon, the sun warms my face as I sit on the edge of the dock, crisscross applesauce. The seagulls on the rocks and the water sloshing against the pilings are the only music I am listening to. Every now and then a seal will poke it's head up and splash around before silently sinking below the surface of the water. I am...

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A connection

By Leslie Parks - Monday, September 22, 2014
It's a warm sunny mid September afternoon. I sit on the back patio with my knitting needles in hand, the yarn gently wrapped around my fingers as the needle slides in and out of the stitches.  I purl and wrap and knit keeping tention, not too tight, not too loose on the cotton strand. The heat from the sun warming my back as...

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A start: Not Back to School Celebration

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, September 11, 2014
Lona wanted to start the school year off right and so did I.  I thought hard about what we were going to do this year in school and I knew that I wanted to concentrate more on writing and reading. I had math figured out and science but writing was another thing. I just feel so incompetent with writing and correcting it and...

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A Send Off

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, September 09, 2014
It's early and there is a chill in the air, not quite see your breath chilly but getting close. The sun is starting to peak out and I can smell the salt from the sea.  It's early but already there is a line of cars waiting to cross the border. The birds are scavenging from what was left from the night and my...

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