
A Landing

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, September 23, 2014

It's mid-afternoon, the sun warms my face as I sit on the edge of the dock, crisscross applesauce. The seagulls on the rocks and the water sloshing against the pilings are the only music I am listening to. Every now and then a seal will poke it's head up and splash around before silently sinking below the surface of the water. I am surrounded by looming mountains the come almost straight down to the icy cold salt water. The inlet isn't far from Vancouver by it might as well be a world away, no cell service, no cable, no internet. I feel alone yet not lonely. There is a peace and calmness to this place, it is a retreat from the world, the craziness of life. I sit and ponder and look around. The mountains make me feel small and yet strong at the same time. My knitting sits in my lap as I take time to watch the seagulls soar looking for a place to land. Sometimes I feel like that too, looking for a place to land. Yet I have landed but only temporarily.  I have landed in the teenage years with my kids however that is fleeting, a transition period.

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