
A Help: Little Blue

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, September 06, 2014

Freedom, a privilege, a tool, a help, a responsibility, a status symbol.  We are so blessed here and yet take it for granted that this is normal. Every since Isaac got his driver's licence I have used it to help me out.  I see the freedom and help that it has given me. Isaac can drive his siblings to the soccer field and I can stay at home. This allows me to have a Saturday morning to get organized and plan out the day. He can drop Lona off at the carpool spot and pick her up while I go to small group.  I have the freedom to get my hair cut on a sports day, which in the fall, winter and spring is every weekday and many weekends. I have the help needed when I need to meet someone to drop off stuff and still get our homeschooling done.  I have help getting a few groceries or turn in an order form. Isaac may think that he has freedom but really I am seeing more freedom on my end. This year, I need to pick Job up from the high school and transport him to the middle school every "gold" day. When these days fall on Tuesday and Thursday, Isaac can do it this quarter and that helps me out.  I am not sure that I could have survived this school year with out Isaac being a driver and taking Running Start classes. I am grateful and blessed to have this freedom and help.

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