
A Send Off

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, September 09, 2014

It's early and there is a chill in the air, not quite see your breath chilly but getting close. The sun is starting to peak out and I can smell the salt from the sea.  It's early but already there is a line of cars waiting to cross the border. The birds are scavenging from what was left from the night and my ears are full of their voices calling to each other. Lona and I stand next to each other almost cuddling for warmth. Another couple of people are here, waiting like us. We chat awkwardly at first getting to know each other, finding out connections. My stomach growls, wanting breakfast, missing the croissant that I wanted to purchase on the way up.  It's 6:30 am, now 7:00 am, and a large RV rumbles down the street. It pulls up and backs into a parking space. It has decals on it about fundraising across America and Hope for Warriors. People start piling out of cars, walking towards the RV. The side door of this monster opens and four people step out with excitement and full of emotion. There is hugging and crying.  People begin talking excitedly, questions are asked, introductions are made, and we pray. Lona and I hang back a little. We know these people but not well.  They have blessed the youth at our church and I thought we would see them off on their adventure, following them on Facebook as they cross America on their bikes, not motorcycles but bikes.  Lona and watch from a little bit of a distance as they ready their gear. The water bottles are placed in the holders on their bikes and they turn their lights to flashing on the back of their helmets. They start their Go Pros on their bikes, their GPS is set and they mount their bikes and start peddling down the street as their friends who are behind cheer with tears streaming down their faces.  It's a long way to Key West Florida. There are many mountain passes and they are determined to ride the whole way. I glance at Lona wondering if she would ever want to go on an adventure like this. It isn't something many people would undertake. Not only that but they are raising funds for veterans as they do this.  In my mind I think about my bucket list, is just a wish list or will I see some of it through?

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