Like so many mornings when we stay at Cannon Beach, I quietly dressed, grabbed my camera and slipped out the door of our room. Out on the beach, I kicked off my shoes, leaving them near the stairs and wandered passed Ecola Creek. When we first stayed here, I ran with the speaker's wife. While she was jumping and skipping the rest of...

My bare feet were covered in sand as I trudged along the beach when I heard the telltale shriek of an eagle. I am used to that sound along the Nooksack River at home but not here. Instantly I picked my head up, looking around trying to spot it in the tall pines. Then I turned a different direction and squinting towards the...
An Adventure: Sailing to Cypress and Lopez Islands Part 2
By Leslie Parks - Friday, July 28, 2023

Day two of our four-day trip, we rose early because that is what happens when camping. Sleeping in a boat, being pummeled by waves, knocking against the buoy all night counts as camping. The sun while shining beautifully, was calling up the fog from the water. Quickly, we readied the boat, released the mooring lines and puttered out of the cove. The fog...
An Adventure: Sailing to Cypress and Lopez Islands
By Leslie Parks - Friday, July 28, 2023

The metal gate slammed behind me as I made my rumbly way down the metal plank to the the floating dock pulling my cart full of provisions. The morning had a chill in the air even though it was mid summer. The seagulls were just waking and starting their morning calls, the boats rocked gently in their slips. Small ripples on the water...

Once our boat was safely attached to the mooring ball at Pelican Beach, we climbed into our little dinghy and rowed to shore. We found the fern lined trail leading uphill towards the cliffs. Broadleaf Stonecrop and flowering foamflowers also made their appearances along the trail. One thing about hiking the island trails, you pretty much only meet a few people, and everyone has...

As we ascended, the air grew cooler and fresher. The occasional gust of wind carried with it the salty scent of the sea and the dry air of baked earth . The water, dark blue to turquois, with small flecks of white and the white sand of the beach sparkled in the sun's fading light. The mangroves, their roots submerged in the water,...