This week was spring break for the public school kids. So we had a house full of kids this week. I took 5 kids to play racquetball. Then the next day everyone of the kids had a friend over. I had 7 kids in my house. The house was a disaster! They had so much fun though. Job and his friend jumped on the trampoline for 2 1/2 hours. Isaac and his friends played soccer and Lona played ponies with her little friend. Which left me to myself. That's one thing I love about friends. But because of Spring Break, public school kids don't seem to realize that we still do school and they think that they can call the kids whenever.
John's Dad came up on Friday and stayed until about noon on Saturday. I think that it had been about a year since we saw Jim and Pat. The kids played their piano songs for them and Lona showed them her dance recital movie. The kids love them. John was so looking forward to them coming up. John's Dad came to the boys' soccer game Saturday morning. Job's attitude was that they had to win, Grandpa didn't come up just to see them lose. It was so windy and cold at the soccer fields though. Job's team did win. Job played defense and forward. He almost scored in his game. "The first half was tied. We won, it was tiring." Since it was so windy I asked one of his team's parent if they could drop him off at home. Isaac had a game next and I figured that Job didn't have to stay out there. Pat and Lona were hanging out at home. Isaac's team tied
. He played left mid the whole time. He almost scored in both games. After his first game we were talking to one of John's co-workers and it turned out that his U12 team was down two players so Isaac jumped in and played left-mid. I have to say that I was impressed with how well he did. He had 3 assists in that game. For not playing with the kids, he did great. He told me that he was a little nervous. There were no subs so he played all game. He immediately checked his blood sugar after the game and was 36! Not good. A couple handfuls of jellybeans later he was better. Then in the afternoon, he went back and reffed a couple of games, came home and played more soccer at his friends house. We had to finish the day watching the Seattle Sounders play. Isaac's coach showed up at our house with his fire truck. The kids had to climb all over it. Love the impromptu learning opportunities.