Walk through Bethlehem

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 16, 2010

You don't need a time machine or a passport.  You only need to know the nights this is available.  Take a trip back to the night Mary and Joseph were looking for a place in Bethlehem to stay.  Mary was with child, they had traveled for days,the inns were full, Romans were everywhere and the only place they found was with the cattle.  We were educated in Jewish genelogy and local customs, received local currency and were quizzed for the purpose of our visit to the town.  After being given permission to enter we bought a basket from the weaver, visited the woodshop, purchased lavender bags from Lydia, (seller of purple cloth), and bread from the baker.  We paid our taxes to Ceaser and visited the synagogue, where we heard the prophesies of the Messiah being read from the scrolls.  We watched the girls dance, were told that the inn was full and then Mary and Joseph arrived in town.  Suddenly an angel appeared and announced the birth of the Messiah.

Chaque annee nous avons allees a Bethlehem.  Nous choississons un nuit pour la visite.  Nous apprenons l'histoire de Bethlehem.  Ils nous donnent des devise locale.  Quand nous entrons la rue, nous visitons un boulangerie, un charpentier et un fabrique de panier.  Nous paieons des impot a Ceasar et visitons le synagogue.  Et puis, Mary et Joseph entre la ville et un ange announce la naissance de Jesus.

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