Job has been asking and asking and waiting and waiting for braces. He smiles and laughs but I know that he doesn't feel all that comfortable with how his teeth look. Unfortunately he looks like me with the spaces. Finally the day has come and we took him to get his braces on today. It was a long appointment. We arrived at 9:30 and left at 11:45, yes over 2 hours. Then to Sonics for a milk shake. For the next few days we will be on a soft food diet: pasta, pasta, milk shake, milk shake, milk shake, yogurt, maybe some pudding, but lots of pasta. I do look forward to when he's done with braces what he'll look like then. This seems like another right of passage in his short little life.
I hardly saw Isaac. He hung out with some of his friends. Lona, Adrienne and Job made a great combo too. They liked many of the same rides. The little Sizzler being Job's favorite. Lona even went on the thing that drops you but at the little kid side so it wasn't so drastic.
We met this great family through soccer. It turns out that they have beehives and we were invited to see them pull some of their boxes. I was in heaven. This was so exciting. They put on their bee keeping clothes which totally encases them so they don't get stung and gathered their gear. Their gear includes a smoker, some special tools to open the boxes, a brush, and some cardboard boxes to put the slats in. They went out to the boxes where they have around 70,000 bees. They push smoke into the boxes which make the bees go inside and kind of settle down. Then they pry the top box off, set it aside, and pull out these frame type things that have honey combs with honey inside. They brush off the bees, and slide them into the carboard boxes and put a lid on the boxes. They rearrange the frames they didn't pull and then add sugar water right into the bee boxes to feed them since they took the bee's honey. Once the bee boxes are put back together we take theses frames to the garage where they start up a large heated knife. The bees have sealed the framed honey combes and they cut/melt tht sealed layer off. then they place the frames into a large tank that they spin at high speed which removes the honey. Once that is done, they open the bottom of the tank and the honey pours out into a large bucket with a mesh lining. Last they pour the honey into jars. Having bees is not an easy hobby nor a cheap one but it is different. Just like any living animal there is upkeep with the bees. They check on their bees to make sure they are healthy and have had to deal with mites on their bees which they have had to treat. They have also had to deal with a hive swarming which means they go someplace else to make a hive because there are too many bees and two queens. They've dealt with a queen dying and having to order another queen. That in itself poses some problems. The equipment is specialized which is another word for expensive. But I have to say that the honey is delicious and has a different taste and color than the clover honey in the store.
They went to Red Lodge and Washoe, Montana. Red Lodge was having a motorcycle convention kind of like Sturgis. I guess there was an older lady on a harley with very white hair and wrinkles. She parked her bike, got off and pulled out a cane that was strapped to the back and proceeded to hobble down the street. They visited Gigi at the quilt store and my cousin and her kids in Red Lodge. Then they went to Chico Hot Springs to play in the ool, they left the "P" out and hopes all the guests do too. They visited the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman. I guess they had moved some of the dinosaur exhibits out so that they could have a Napolean exhibit. My Mom said that she made them leave after 3 1/2 hours. That museum isn't very big I can't imagine how they spent that much time there. Then off to Fairmont Hot Springs for the night and to play in that termal pool. They had quite the trip and lots of fun.