An Ending

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, May 23, 2015

Another soccer season has come to an end. It seems like I say that all year long but our family is involved in various seasons of soccer or tennis or chess or wrestling but mostly soccer.  We decided to have Lona involved in middle school soccer.  This way she would get to know some girls from the school before she attend there next fall. It also helped to keep her skills up before tryouts. I think that she developed a lot over the course of a year playing with a team of like minded players.  Players that wanted to be there for the competition and the social aspect and who were respectful, being willing to listen and learn. School soccer was social hour. I think what I enjoyed most was watching her when she would play against her former teammates.  I loved watching them talk to each other before the game and laugh with each other during the game trying to compete with each other. I love the bantering and good nature d teasing.  I loved watching the girls bounce toward each other with smiles and recognition, laughing and giving each other hugs. School soccer well I see that as social hour. A time to hang out with kids from the same school and maybe see a teacher in a different setting. I see school soccer as a time for her to play with and encourage kids from all skill levels instead of being with girls on the same plane with variations. School soccer has taught her that being on a team with three good players isn't going to win the game.  These players can work their buts off but if everyone else has given up at half time they are going to lose even if they were ahead at half!

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