
Alike and Differences

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am taking a class from Big Pictures.
In my class one assignment was to use these colors of pink and orange and to use this layout of eight squares on two 8 x 8" papers. I was to journal the similarities and differences of two people. I chose the papers and then decided that it was too girly for any boy pictures. I may put some embellishments on it later but for now I have a picture of myself in the top left-hand corner and Lona in the bottom right-hand corner. When Lona took a look at the top picture she asked me where her dress was that was in the picture. I asked her who that girl was. It was her, definitely. Then I had her ask John. He also said Lona but didn't recognize the picture. Yes, I guess we do look alike. We both love snobby hot drinks, playing with barbies (not anymore for me). Our names both start with an "L". We love being around people. Our differences are pierced ears. I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 9. She is homeschooled, I went to public and private school. She is my daughter, there is 30 years difference in our ages. I think that we are more alike than different. We can both be high maintenance. Poor John.

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