

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We are studying Early Explorers and events to 1815 in History this year. So far we have made gold masks like the Incas & Aztecs, we are currently in the process of making paper mache boats and a log cabin and a longhouse, we have made a model of Fort James, later known as Jamestown with small buildings. In Bible we are studying the Gospels. We are currently learning about Jesus as a small boy. Jesus was trained as a carpenter so we are making wooden benches.
I really like this year of History and Bible because of the projects. There seems to be more projects this year that we can all do. Lona doesn't formally study these subjects but she can do many of the projects. The "golden masks" are made with 12" cardboard cake plates and 3 10" cake plates glued together. Then we use foam shapes for the edges and modeling clay for the face. We hot glued the modeling clay to the cake plates and then spray painted the whole thing with gold spray paint. The fort is just Popsicle sticks glued to a long piece of cardboard that is then glued to toilet paper tubes. The houses are downloaded from a site ( http://www.yourchildlearns.com/megamaps.htm ) and then cut out and taped together. This site has free maps of many sizes, and a castle or town projects. The only thing missing in the town I think is a church. I use this site all the time. Love it.
Our quarter for school is almost done. Our last day for the quarter is October 31. Yahoo. If we have all of our stuff done, then we can have a reading day. The kids have to read for 1 1/2 hours but they can read whatever. Love those days. I think we may have to go to Green's Corner for part of this time.

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