
Balance and a new doo

By Leslie Parks - Friday, October 10, 2008

In my design class from big pictures, we are studying balance. An assignment was to take a picture or cut out of a magazine something with symmetrical balance. I couldn't think of anything around home that had symmetrical balance. Then i looked over at a wall in my bathroom. It is a little alcove where the tub is and I found my balance. Maybe that's why I feel so balanced in a bubble bath. Nah, it's just that I'm alone there. Any how, I needed a picture of balance and there it is. (You can see my hand on the side. I'm using the mirror to take a picture of the alcove.
After Job hounded and hounded me to cut his hair, I finally did that today. He wanted the sides short and the top needed shortened too he decided. Ok. Of course Lona wanted just a trim around the edges. We gave her bangs or frontal hair as John calls them. The verdict is still out. I don't like it. John and Lona love it. I think it changes her look too much. Oh well, it'll grow. It just seems so short compared to the rest and I don't know. she just looks different. Both Isaac and Job say that she looks different.

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