
Turning 40

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, October 21, 2008

On Sunday John turned forty. I asked a few people to write on a 6" square piece of paper to write either a remember when or some advice for turning 40. Then I placed it in a book for him. There were some funny ones, some serious ones and some touching ones. I wasn't able to contact everyone that I wanted. I couldn't put this one my blog because he does occasionally read it. If anyone wants to contribute that I didn't get to talk to please send something in. I'll just slip it in his book. Please sign it so we know who it came from.

Some people wrote about what happened in 1968: Martin Luther and Bobby Kennedy were both assassinated and Mr. Rogers neighborhood aired for the first time (That is still on).

Some advice: "... you cannot turn back time, "turning 40" suggests something exciting. The simple phrase "turning" means you can still do anything you want. "

Comical about turning 40: "Those wrinkles around your eyes... evidence you've spent many years smiling."

"You are told to slow down by your doctor, not the police."

Remember when:

"Johnny getting shot at during the annual chemical engineering class pig roast."

"Skiing at Big Mountain together."

"Football, Superbowl parties you've hosted at your home. "whale breach, hippie chicks playing drums..."

These are just a few of the things that were given to John.


I have to say how much I have learned from you. I admire your self-control, your patience, your contentment with situations. I love your gentleness and how sensitive you are to your family and their needs/wants. I admire you for putting up with me. I don't think anyone else could have. I thank you for putting an importance on God, our marriage and our family. Because of you I came to know the Lord. For that I am eternally grateful. You are kind, caring and wonderful. You bring me coffee weekend mornings so I can stay in bed longer. I love you.

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