
Sledding at Cornwall

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 28, 2008
What an exciting white Christmas we had. The snow lasted about a week. On Friday we decided to grab the neighbor kids and head to a sledding hill. After making a phone call we found that a close and perfect sledding hill was to be had at Cornwall Church. It was great, pull up, park and you are at the top of the...

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Tic and Tac

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 27, 2008
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYTJ9v2vsaE&feature=channelThis is such a hilarious video. The kids watched it I think 4 or 5 times. John even started crying. Enjoy. ...

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By Leslie Parks - Friday, December 26, 2008
Lets just say this is a white Christmas here! We are loving it so much. Christmas Eve it snowed nice and pretty during the day. Job rigged up a snowboard and used a little "hill" the neighbor made from shoveling snow and boarded down it. Lona sledded down the hill. Her hands looked frozen. Why doesn't she have gloves on? Job and Lona...

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Holiday Foods

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The food season starts October 31 and ends January 1 when resolutions and all diets began. This is no exception for us. There can be no dieting during these months for fear of insulting friends. You definitely can not go to some one's house and say "No thank you, I'm on a diet." Food is such a tricky thing. It seems to binds...

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Philosophical discussions with a six year old

By Leslie Parks - Friday, December 19, 2008
John, the kids, and I try to help out each year with a food drive and Christmas presents. There is an organization that raises money throughout the year in order to help families in need during Christmas. These families aren't necessarily unemployed. They may have had a child in the hospital for over a year or had been in an accident. There are...

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By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Why do children stare out windows? What is outside that fascinates them. What do they wait for? This looking is not for the school bus, mail jeep, the UPS or even FedEx. It is not for friends, siblings, or parents. It is because of the garbage truck. Yes, we are fascinated with the garbage truck. It passes our house every Tuesday. It first...

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MMA Fighting

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 14, 2008
I am taking an exercise class in the mornings from 5:30 to 6:30 everyday. We learn how to punch. I know how to jab, cross, hook, upper cut. I know what and how to do a roundhouse kick, side kick, front kick, and back kick. Occasionally I bring one of the kids. They workout with me and punch the bags. My whole point...

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Jingle Bell Run

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 13, 2008
It was 8:15 am Saturday and we were bundled up for the weather. Long underwear, socks, coat, hat, scarf, mittens, race number, jingle bells, and antlers. We parked our car, piled out and walked to the starting line. We had been training for this race. Last weekend we ran almost/maybe 4 miles. We had our race t-shirts in the car. We had our...

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Christmas Decor

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 10, 2008
There are a few things that we place in our house every year. Of course our box tree, but the tree has ornaments that must be on our tree. There are other things that we always have out. Then there are activity traditions. First our tree. These little men came from John' s brother when he lived in Germany. The detail for each...

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