
Advent, Day 4

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 04, 2008

This is the fourth day of advent. Yesterday we missed reading in our book. We went to Awana and by the time we get home, it is too late. A quick snack and its off to bed the kids go. Hence today we read two days. The book talked about the evergreen tree. When we look at our Christmas tree we can think of the tree God created in the Garden of Eden. The tree of Life. How special that tree was and he placed in the garden. We also read about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the big mistake of Adam and Eve. We talked about how we make mistakes too and how those mistakes affect us. All this leads up to Christ's Birth. There would be no Christmas had it not started in the Garden of Eden.

This morning, Isaac, Job and Lona received an email from their MP3 coordinator. They were so excited and they smiled and answered the questions out loud that she asked them. I think that they are going to really enjoy having another adult take interest in them.
Saturday, all the kids have a chess tournament in Lynden. I have a free day. I have a couple more presents for Job. I've adopted Judy's routine for presents: a fun present, an item of clothing, and a media present (ie, book, magazine, video, music). This makes it easier for me. I also want to get my out of town shopping done. Hopefully quickly in the morning.
I love how Marie counts down the days until Christ's birth. She hangs very cute socks up with a little activity tucked inside for each day. That looks like a lot of fun. I may have to adopt that for next year too. I have also thought of making an advent that goes along with our book. I am going to look for very inexpensive small ornament frames and put a picture that goes along with the theme for the day and a number. Each day one child gets to put the corresponding day's frame up on our Christmas tree. The book has 31 chapters or themes so it goes through Christmas. I'm going to try to get that ready for next year as well. We'll see what I find this year. (I'm hoping for after Christmas sales).
John and I were discussing our kids after they went to bed and we were cracking up. Isaac and Job both have a very witty sense of humor. Tonight at the dinner table, Isaac responded to something one of said by stating, "That was back in my stupid days. Oh, wait a minute, I'm still in my stupid days." John cracking up said, "I'm glad you can laugh at yourself Isaac, that's pretty important." Isaac: "I don't mind laughing at myself, I just don't want anyone else too." as he left the table laughing.
Job on the other hand has a different kind of wit. He is constantly making puns. He loves play on words. Right now though he is practicing his "smart sayings". He asked the master of smart sayings, Isaac, what his ranking was. Isaac's response was that Job's ranking was provincial. By the end of the day two kids with smart sayings is enough to drive a woman insane!
Lona tonight was giving John a growly face just for fun. We were talking about Chow Chows and John called Lona a Chow Chow because of the face. She totally melted into a fountain of tears. Job, Isaac and I started cracking up and John got the deer in the head light look. If he had called Job or Isaac that they would have tackled him. What do you do with a girl? He gave his daughter a big hug and told her he loved her. She needs her Dad to love her, growly face and all.

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