
God is Light

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Last night we read in our little advent book. It was about God creating light in the beginning and the fact that there is no darkness in heaven because God is light. Then it talked about how God sent a star to mark the birth of Jesus. That even in the beginning God was planning for Christmas. How wonderful that everything works together. Last night then we put together our Christmas tree and put the lights on it. It seemed fitting that we put lights on our tree when we were reading about God being light and creating light. We've always had red lights on our tree because one year in Billings all the stores were out of little white lights. I usually put 7 strings of lights on our tree and the red lights were finally wearing out. We had half the tree done when I realized that I had three options. 1) I could have the bottom half red and the top half white, 2) I could go out and buy more red lights (I have never wanted red lights to begin with) or 3) I could take off the working red lights and put on all white lights. The kids and I decided to change to white lights. I had to pillage the outdoor lights to put enough white lights on our tree. I like it much better. Our tree stands in our entry way. Every year here we have put it in a different spot but this is the spot that I like the best. I think that it will stay there from now on. I have seen Christmas star lights in pictures before and have always tried to do this in my pictures. I finally figured it out. I used a super long shutter time and used my timer to get the stars. I'm going to try it again with the tripod to get the whole tree.

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