This is the picture we are putting in our Christmas cards this year. Not bad for about 10 minutes of pictures this morning before church. We took the pictures infront of our tree the kids decorated.

Christmas Parties, Chess Tournaments, Christmas cards,pictures and a 4 mile run. That about sums up this weekend. The BP Family Christmas party was Friday night in Lynden. John runs a booth and so I chas
e the kids around going from game booth to craft booth with a little visit to a made up Santa. We saw Mickey and Minnie Mouse, The Grinch, Barnie, and Frosty the Snowman. This is such a nice family atmosphere. I really don't have to worry and am getting to know some of the other families. As soon as we arrived Isaac basically disappeared. About an hour later he rushes up and says we need to s
ee Santa! It's not really to see Santa but for the presents they give out after sitting on Santa's lap and getting pictures taken. We now have another Polaroid of the three kids with Santa. What do you do with a Polaroid?
Saturday was an all day Chess Tournament at Lynden. Our kids didn't do as well as last time. Isaac place 7th and Job and Lona didn't place at all. On the other hand, I had an extremely wonderful day. I cleaned house from 8:15 to 10. I didn't get the vacuuming done or the inside toilet cleaned or the upstairs cleaned at all but the downstairs was clean including windows. Then I went to coffee with a neighbor and had a wonderful chat. I returned
at noon in time for lunch and then went Christmas shopping. I only have my mother to shop for. I was back home with the presents mostly wrapped by the time everyone else came home from the tournament. It was so much fun to have time, not feel rushed, and to basically do what ever I wanted. I bought a Toblerone to eat on Saturday but never got around to it. My neighbor had a wonderful idea. Her mini church group put together packages to give to the homeless. It included a toothbrush, a granola bar, a cracker thing, a cup of fruit, a bottle of water, and a tract. I thought that if all our church groups got together made up these packages and gave them out as we are running around at Christmas it would be great. Everyone could keep about five in their car and hand them out. 
Today after church we went for a 4 mile run down at Boardwalk park. It was beautiful and a great training for the kids to see if they could handle the jingle bell run next week. Minimal whining.
We still have so much to learn with Diabetes. This morning I made cream of rice and scrambled eggs for breakfast. We have this scale that will weigh the food and help calculate the carbs. You have to plug in the correct amount of grams per serving to get an accurate reading. We plugged in the number and it was high, but considering it was rice it seemed reasonable. It wasn't. John had to make a quick trip to the grocery store for jelly
beans and we were feeding Isaac handfuls of jelly beans throughout church this morning. I have learned that some foods can not be weighed because the weight changes when water is added. A quarter cup of cream of rice dry is 46 grams and has 36 grams of carbs. When you add water to that it changes the weight and the scale figures that weight is still dry weight. It is
better to measure this with measuring cups instead of the scale. 1 cup of prepared cream of rice equals 36 grams, but when weighed it comes out to about 100 grams. Water does not have carbs. Pizza on the other hand is a great one to be weighed because you can plug in the grams for the carbs and you don't have to calculate out the water. Who ever figured out carbs and the grams of carbs in food is amazing. It is well beyond my under
standing. I'm just working on correctly counting the carbs. We live and learn everyday.
My friend Marie did these pretzels covered with almond bark. The kids got so excited that we had to try them out. Thanks Marie! They didn't even last the weekend. We made them quickly before the BP Party and they were gone by Sunday night. So yummy. This may very well become a tradition.