

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why do children stare out windows? What is outside that fascinates them. What do they wait for? This looking is not for the school bus, mail jeep, the UPS or even FedEx. It is not for friends, siblings, or parents. It is because of the garbage truck. Yes, we are fascinated with the garbage truck. It passes our house every Tuesday. It first goes up the street opposite us and works its way around the neighborhood and then passes our house. It has a robotic arm that picks up the garbage can and dumps it into the back of the truck and finally places the can back onto the street. This "stop the school work and watch until you can't see it anymore" is a common occurrence. In the summer if they hear the garbage truck and they are still in bed, they fly downstairs to watch. I am grateful to have the garbage truck come by every Tuesday, but I don't eagerly wait and watch. The garbage gets smelly and I know that it will go away. I am not all that fascinated by how it ends up in the back of the garbage truck or over to the dump, but my kids are. Makes me think that maybe I should just take more time to wonder and not take everyday things for granted.

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