
Dance Recital

By Leslie Parks - Monday, June 16, 2014

Even now as I type this, I am still unsure of what the recital was about.  Parody, Prose, Poetry and Parables but the individual dances are somewhat vague for me.  It still amazes me how they pull off this type of event but they do great.  Some of the dancers are in 4 or more dances and so they are constantly changing clothes and hair sometimes their dances are back to back.  Lona on the other hand only took one class this year.  Mostly because it fit so nicely in our schedule.  They offered a ballet class during the morning and it helps that we don't have to do one more thing at night.  We've kept her in Ballet because I think it is the basis for so many other types of dance.  I had thought that this year she was going to try out for the jubilee dance company and we would let soccer go by the wayside but Lona had other plans.  So we are letting the dance company go by the wayside.  Even though she was only in one class, she performed all three nights.  Friday night, John took her, Saturday we all went, and Sunday night I took her.  She danced half way through the second half so that meant we pretty much needed to stay for the whole thing.  It really is pretty entertaining and we love to watch her dance.  Oh, I realize that she won't be a professional ballerina but it is still fun to see her on stage.  This year she danced to the music Romance by John Friesen.  It was such a beautiful peace of music.  They were told to look sad at the beginning and when they receive the scarves which represent the Holy Spirit dwelling with in them, to have happy faces.  So grateful that she can dance and dance at a place that is Christian.  Her teacher takes time each class to share with them little things that God has taught her and shown her.  Miss Sarah is a wonderful role model for Lona.

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