
Legal to Drive ALONE

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, June 07, 2014

Well  he did it.  He finally took his driving test and passed it first try.  It took all of 10 minutes, enough time for me to walk over to pick up Lona from piano lessons and for us to walk back.  He was so excited.  He was wiggling in the seat.  We dropped Lona off at home and drove to the DOL. We jumped out and realized we needed his birth certificate too.  Back home and then back again to the DOL. We waited for about 30 minutes, paid almost $100, had his picture taken and home we went.  He dropped me off and drove to Dairy Queen for a blizzard because he could. Alone.

It was perfect timing for him to get his license.  That evening we needed to be in three places and two cars.  He dropped Lona off at the car pool meeting place for soccer, then came home and in time to take John to his soccer game.  I was going to take the truck to small group but it had a flat tire so he drove Job and I to small group, then was at the meeting place in time to pick up Lona and then to the soccer field to pick up John.  He decided that he hated my life of running people around.  He had "no relax" time. Finally he has an inkling of what I do and it is all unpaid. I laughed out loud when I heard that.  Welcome to being a parent of preteens and teens Isaac. A little taste of what I've been doing the last few years.  Now he calls and asks if I have anything going on before planning something.  Sweet.

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