
Piano Recital

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, June 22, 2014

Our very busy "Lona" weekend consisted of 3 performances of dance and a piano recital.  I've already posted about the dance recital but in there was her piano recital.  We were so blessed that it was in the afternoon where her dance recital was in the evening.  This is her 3rd year of taking piano from Mrs. Gault. We just appreciate her so much.  She is fairly strict with Lona and really pushes her to practice with intent, to count the beats, to make her note correct.  It's been a good fit for us.  I only need to remind her to practice but I don't need to push her.  This year she was very concerned about having to give up dance and piano for soccer.  We've decided that she can continue these on account that she can do them during the day rather than during the evening.  At the recital Lona requested that she was the one of the first two so that if she needed to leave for dance she could.  She played "Moonlight on the Lily Pond" and "Dizzy Delight". I've heard her play these over and over again and thought she did good. but what do I know, I'm just her mom.

She didn't seem nervous either, OK maybe a little.

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