
Port Townsend

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, June 19, 2014

After my first trip to Port Townsend I decided that I wanted to share it with Lona. We decided that we would go to there to celebrate the end of our school year. I had planned to go to Port Townsend but then a friend asked if I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby that day so we were going to put off our trip. However the day dawned and my friend wasn't feeling good. So after our morning run we headed out to Port Townsend. It is so convenient to just walk on the ferry on Whidbey Island and walk off in Port Townsend.  We brought a picnic lunch to eat on the ferry and then just hang out and talked. Once in Port Townsend we wandered through the little shops, looking and talking and wishing.  Lona's favorite story was World's End, the Steampunk Store.  She oohed and awed over all the stuff.  It was one of the first stores we went to. She wasn't ready to purchase anything so we continued on in our tour of the quaint little town. One store that seems to suck me in is the Sand Castle Toy Shop. I couldn't help but purchase a bucket of snowballs and two pairs of kitty ear clips. We wore those on the ferry and took photos. We stopped at an ice cream parlor and waiting in line for ice cream.  When it was our turn to order the gal walked away and started replenishing supplies.  We waited to catch her attention but worker started to help someone who walked in after us.  I guess we weren't meant to have ice cream that day. We wandered on in search of cool places to photograph, stores to explore and food to eat. Farther down the main street was the marina and we walked all the way down there where we found this cool thing happening.  A couple weeks ago an anchor was found at the bottom of the ocean, crusted up with barnacles and other sea creatures.  They hauled up and it is resting in a tank of ocean water being prepared for shipment elsewhere.  They are trying to determine if it is the anchor that belonged to a ship in George Vancouver's exploration of the Puget sound 222 years ago. It was right there in the open and we talked to one of the men who hauled it out. It was pretty amazing. However not the most amazing thing we've seen. We listened to his story and then continued on in our wanderings. We headed up the hill away from the quaint little street and walked into a little church.  Lona was drawn to it from the music being played on the piano in there.  I think a boy was getting ready for a piano recital. Along the street was a bell tower that served as the town fire alarm.  Apparently the way the bell was rung told the town what part of town the fire was located. Every one was a volunteer fire fighter. All along the cliff were these beautiful old houses and they were kept up nicely. The views were incredible from there. We were getting hungry by this time and I had picked out a place to eat, Waterside Pizza.  We ate pizza by the slice and it was kind of a hole in the wall place which can either mean is really bad or the best kept secret ever.  This was the second kind.  So yummy.  By this time, it we needed to start heading back towards the ferry but not before we stopped one more time in the steampunk store, where Lona purchased a compass on a chain. Finally it was time to return home from our little adventure.

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