Little sticks and pieces of wood have been washed and sanded by the tumultuous waters of the river. However they started in the water they've ended smooth and shaped and perfect. Then they've washed up on the shore to wait for the waters to rise once more so they can travel the winding water ways again until they reach the ocean. I decided...

I sat against a sunbleach log with my feet in the sand as I looked out towards the Sound. The kids were turning over rocks looking for treasures such as crab, sand dollars and the occasional sea glass. The dog ran all over the rocky beach with his nose in over drive exploring, excited and full of life. I sat there with my...

My husband likes blackberry pie. He's also a plant guy. He notices when the wild blackberries start to ripen and he starts hinting about blackberry pie and cobbler. "Do you want me to pick you some blackberries?" "The blackberries are turning." It's just his thing and it's one of the endearing qualities of his. The other day he took the boys blackberry picking...

I've discovered two great magazines through a third magazine. They make me want to write, to leave a little bit of my soul upon the pages, to match my moods to my photos. Because of these magazines, I've worked hard to keep the house clean/picked up for 3 days! I know that I can relax when the house is quiet and clean. I...

School starts in a week. The days are getting darker and cooler. Oh the sun is still shining but each day it gets darker earlier and earlier just by minutes but it's there. The mornings are crisp, not Montana crisp but Pacific Northwest crisp with dew on the ground and a little fog hanging above the ground. The leaves are changing just a...

It seems like more and more as the kids are getting older we have more opportunities to be together. I love it. I mean I love the kids and miss them too. Actually because they are still at home, I don't miss them when we have an afternoon or evening or both together. A few weeks ago John hurt his knee tubing on...