
The Sun is Shining

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, August 26, 2014

School starts in a week.  The days are getting darker and cooler.  Oh the sun is still shining but each day it gets darker earlier and earlier just by minutes but it's there.  The mornings are crisp, not Montana crisp but Pacific Northwest crisp with dew on the ground and a little fog hanging above the ground. The leaves are changing just a bit. I can feel that fall is creeping towards us.  It's hinting to me that soon I'll be wanting cozy socks and sweaters but for now I am enjoying the sun. I often joke that I'm solar powered but it really isn't a joke.  I'm nervous about this winter. I'm nervous about how I'll feel this winter, how I'll treat my family this winter. I am scared but for now the sun is shining. I cling to the sunshine and warmth. This week before school starts I just want to stay at home everyday and soak up the sun, enjoying the last week before chaos ensues with schoolwork, practices, chores, carpools, laundry, house cleaning and appointments.  Today, when I climbed out of bed, my husband had left for work, my two youngest were spending the night at friend's houses, my oldest was still asleep and it was still and beautiful and quiet. I wasn't needed or faced with a day's worth of cleaning. My oldest went to tennis practice and I still had a couple of hours to myself. It was a gift and I started to reflect on where I am at right now. Right now the sun is shining and I am good.

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