
Knitting Sock Society

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, August 17, 2014

 For a while now, I've been secretly thinking of learning to knit socks, just for the sake of doing something creative.  My friend Marie is an incredible knitter.  She makes the most gorgeous things from baby blankets to scandanavian mitten to warm socks.  It's incredible what she can make with a ball of yarn.  I asked if she would teach me to make socks too.  She was so excited!  That's one thing I love about her.  She is so willing to share her gifts and time. I put on facebook that we were going to have a "Knit Sock Society" meeting to learn how to knit socks.  Kids were invited to play in the pool while we learned and chatted.  It feels good to be creative and to be around other people. I got all excited and decorated the house with knitting stuff, bought food for mom's to eat, and bought food for kids to eat.  I then found this nice grey almost black yarn and these tiny little size 2 bamboo needles for my socks.  We learned a turkish cast-on which I think is so neat.  We are working on toe up so that both socks are easier to make the same length.  Our next meeting we will learn to turn the heal and then I'll be set to make socks I think.  So be ready for Christmas gifts of socks filled with goodies.

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