
Gas Works Park

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, August 12, 2014

We had doctor appointments in Seattle the other day.  Job weighs 70 pounds and barely eats.  Summer is hard because he's so busy and when he sits down to eat he just starts talking and by the time we are done he's eaten 3 bites and is full.  What to do about that?  When we went to see our doctor about it, he said that he's fallen off the charts for weight and height and referred us to Children's hospital in Seattle. Good news is that Isaac has to go there for diabetes four times a year.  We scheduled Job's appointment and it took almost 4 months to get in to see someone.  Luckily we could schedule Isaac's for the same day, same place, but not the same time.  I figured we'd do something fun in between appointments.  I was thinking the Ride the Duck but we didn't have enough time so we checked out Gas Works Park.  It's a great park for the view of Seattle but I thought that it would be a little different, in that there would be a cool playground that was very industrial, with clogs and wheels and such.  There is a "play barn" with brightly colored pipes but they can't climb on them, just run around it.  The area started of as coal to gas manufacturing plant in 1906 and then later converted to an oil to gas plant.  It was abandoned and purchased by Seattle to make it into a park.  We spent a couple of hours there, looking around and exploring the 20 acres before making it back to the hospital for our last appointment.  Results from Job's labs and x-rays are that he's essentially a 14 year old boy trapped in an 11 year old body.  His bone age places him at 11 years old and his growth hormone is the same.  He has low white blood cell count that we are following up with his regular doctor.  The hormone doctor said that he needs to eat more.  How to do that I don't know.  I do know that if I eat the amount Job eats, I lose weight.

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