

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I've discovered two great magazines through a third magazine.  They make me want to write, to leave a little bit of my soul upon the pages, to match my moods to my photos. Because of these magazines, I've worked hard to keep the house clean/picked up for 3 days! I know that I can relax when the house is quiet and clean. I know that I can breath when I feel like my work is done. I know that I need a few things in order to "breath". One is a clean house.  A messy house I think makes me feel almost claustrophobic.  Yes, like the walls are caving in around me, like I'm drowning, caught in a whirlpool. A clean house makes me feel at peace. I love the dishes done and a clean sink. I love the floors swept and the dinning room table ready for the next meal. I love the living room ready for me to kick off my shoes and snuggle up under a blanket with a good book. Another thing I need is a creative outlet. Whether that outlet is photography, knitting, scrapbooking, or reading something inspiring. I can't be creative with a messy house, I can't breath without some kind of creative project. These two things can spiral, one can lead to another, clean house = creativity and vice versa is true as well. Messy house = no creativity, no big breaths of relaxation. I am not a sit in the tub kind of gal. I don't like to sweat while sitting in water. I don't like having to dry my hands off to read. I don't like the water turning cold and feel like I need a shower because I was sweating and now am sitting in cold water.  I breath when I can create without pressure. So I've been scouring Pinterest for journaling prompts to add into our school days; not just for Lona but for myself as well. I need to write better and I want my soul to show in my writings. I want something more than frivolous writing about our days. We aren't perfect, our life isn't a Mayberry life and I sometimes think that is all I portray. I want to be real with myself and my family through this blog. So I am going to go through the magazine Bella Grace and soak in the photos, the writings, the lists and mark up the pages.  I even want to send in some submissions, I say that and I am scared but oh so excited.

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