
Christmas Morning

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 25, 2019

I always knew this day would come. Christmas morning with a missing member.  Inevitable that they grow and fly, building their nest elsewhere. Mentally I was prepared. It wasn't a surprise and yet Christmas morning there was a piece missing. He was in Maine, (l'aute cote), the other coast. 3200 hundred miles away Since we had spent a week with him, moving him from Basic to his first station I hadn't prepared any presents to ship out. While we were touring the East Coast, Lona was at home, busy saving Christmas for us. She shopped, wrapped presents and decorated the house. I tried to keep some of our traditions. We read the bible, but this year we read the Lego edition complete with photos. It was very enlightening and I must say entertaining. And then we opened presents.  I have to say the whole time we were on the East Coast, I was missing Lona. Christmas morning I was missing Job. Christmas has changed for us and I understand that nostalgic longing for the way things used to be. However, life is about change and growth, so I'm embracing technology that allows me to stay intouch easier and instantaneous. To enjoy the time we have. To celebrate and have traditions such as cininamon croissant rolls and stocking stuffers and coffee and Bible readings, grounds me and allows me to embrace the change. So Merry Christmas and here, here to new normal holidays.

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