
New York City Part 2

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 14, 2019

We made our way towards Battery Park but once we reached South Cove Park, we realized that we weren't going to get a good view of the Statue of Liberty.  She was barely viewable through the fog but the buildings of across the water was moody and dark. There were other things we had wanted to see and so decided to make our way towards Times Square and Rockerfeller Center by walking.  Hind sight, we should have purchased a map of manhattan, gone to a cafe and circled all the stops we wanted to make and then just rode the subway to each stop.  Now there has to be a next time.  We walked and walked and walked.  We walked down Wall Street for Isaac.  Looking back we should have stopped at the Charging Bull for a photo. We walked past Trinity Church which was so impressive in the middle of the modern buildings. You could spend an hour here easily searching for Alexander Hamilton and other notable historical figures.  It was a sharp contrast to modern Manhattan.  We continued walking down Broadway. I wanted to pass by the Flatiron building and the Empire State Building but when we reached White Street I gave up and begged to take the subway to Time Square.  Time Square was overwhelming with people, with screens, with activity.  It was too much.  You could feel the energy and for some I could see the appeal it had but for me, I felt my energy draining. It took a few blocks and I realized that I needed to find my way to Rockafeller Center and leave the crazy. And yet Rockafeller Center was just as crazy as Time Square. Granted it was a Saturday and during the Christmas season. We arrived just on the outskirts of the center. There were so many people that we didn't see the ice rink.  When we saw the tree I was underwhelmed.  I thought it would have been larger but now realize that we were a ways away and it would have looked larger if we had gotten closer.  It was past lunch time and I wanted street food from New York.  I choose  Gyros and the guys choose hot dogs.  I think I got the better deal. Then we made our way back to the hotel and onto Maine. If we did ever go back I would probably stay at the same hotel: the Element in Harrison New Jersey since it was so convenient and nice and it was relatively inexpensive.  Also I think spring would be a good time.  Bucket List I guess.

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