
Maine: Owls Head and Rockland Lighthouse

By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 16, 2019

So we had until 4 pm before Job needed to check into the station and report for duty. That gave us time to check out a couple of light houses along the way.  There are over 60 along the coast of Maine.  We chose two to see.  Owls Head being on of them. Leaving Highway 1, we made our way along a back road to Owls Head and then out to lighthouse. We pulled into the empty parking lot. Mid December is not tourist season in Maine. We walked along the road, past the Coast Guard house and closed gift shop to the wood plank walk way to the light house. Once at the top we could see out to the Penobscot Bay and the the islands of Knox County.  This lighthouse is listed as being built in 1852 and is manned by the USCG under the Department of Homeland Security. Poor Job, I would have made him stand next to each sign and pose but the guy definitely had other ideas and refused. We returned to the car to warm up and continued onto our next destination of Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse.

We pulled into the parking lot and Isaac took one look and refused to get out of the car. What better way to get acclimated to Maine than by walking out to the Rockland Head lighthouse in Maine on a windy cold Maine day. He said “HELL NO, I’m NOT going out there. It’s going to be cold and miserable. I am NOT going.” And as an understanding and very loving mother I made him get his butt out the car and walk the 7/8 mile out to the lighthouse and back over ice crusted uneven slippery and jagged rocks with 25 mph winds at 10 degrees just so we could take some photos. But we saw some Coasties zipping by in one of their boats and I got the photos I wanted so that was a win in my book. The Coasties were probably dressed better than us. Truth be told, my lips were numb by the time we got back to the car. I think it took another hour to warm up with the heat on full blast. Finally we rolled into the small town of Southwest Harbor Maine. Checking into our Condo, we hauled bags and bags in. Job changed into his dress blues and we drove to the USCG station to drop him off.  And that is another story all together. 

This might have been the point where John turned to Isaac and whispered "It's f*ing cold." but that is hearsay since I didn't hear it.  They might be a tad bit miserable.

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