
Boot Camp Graduation

By Leslie Parks - Friday, December 13, 2019

We made our way to the base on a chilly Friday morning. We only knew a few things: breakfast was at 8:30, we could go to the exchange, there would be a presentation at 10 and graduation at 11. We had no prior experience on a coast guard base. We could hear yelling from recruits in other companies. There were guards stationed at no-go zones and there was a talk about a fly-by. We followed the other parents, some knowing what to expect, others like ourselves, a little lost. We listened to the presentation and filed out to watch the company march by in formation. We lined the sidewalk in front of the gymnasium and hoped we were on the side our recruit would pass by. The cadence started around the corner and grew louder as they approached, marching instep with their heads held high. Our first view in 8 or more weeks. The emotions and excitement were coursing through the audience and cheers erupted as fingers were pointed towards recruits, phones and cameras captured it all.  As they marched out of view, everyone started filing into the gymnasium trying to pick a side so they could watch their recruit receive their certificate and finally be able to put their arms around their recruit. And then it was time to tour the base and load up.

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