Over this Christmas break, Job had the opportunity to play and practice on a select team. These kids were nominated as being some of the best on their team. His coach really deliberated on nominating Job but did and we took full advantage of it. His team comprised of boys ages 9 and 10 (mostly 10). They had practices at the sportsplex and learned a lot. Job's first tournament was on Sunday, Dec 26. His team was split and placed on two older teams. They played on the big field against older kids (mostly 12 year olds that had made the select teams). I was a little worried. I mean Job weighs all of 50 pounds and many kids were twice that, but he did fine. They placed third out of four teams. Not bad. Then they played again on Wednesday against 12 year olds. They didn't split up the team and add them to older kids this time so it was their team of 10 year olds against 12 year olds. They lost their games but still not by a lot. They played their hearts out. Their last tournament was on Thursday. This was a U10 tournament. Kids that were mostly 10 with a few 9 year olds. They won all their games. I saw the last one and it was exciting. Job's team fought hard and won. This allowed them to play for the championship. Job played defense, which meant that he had to keep on his man so that he didn't let the forward get by him and score. He got in there and would create a wall that kept kids from getting around him. Sometimes even using his arms to do a little pushing. He would lock arms with his opponent while fighting for the ball, pulling it back and passing it across the field to his teammates. The ball was back and forth, shots were taken by both teams and deflected or missed. At halftime the score was in Job's team's favor. Another 12 minutes of passing, shooting, deflecting and scoring by both teams. At the end of the game it was 4 to 4. This resulted in sudden death overtime of 6 minutes - first team to score wins. The Rapids reds kicked off, but the Rapids white (Job's team) quickly gain possession of it. Again it was back and forth, subs were sent in. Job again was on defense. The level of play increased. The Rapids red had won game in a shoot out already and want to win this one bad. The Rapids white stepped up their play and kept the Reds from scoring but they were able to score either. They had plenty of shots but after 6 minutes nothing, still the score remained 4 to 4. This meant that it would be decided by shoot out. Three shots by each team, three shooters, one goalie for each team. Job's team had an excellent goalie and three very hard kickers. They made their first two shots and unfortunately for the other team, they did not. Job's team the Rapid whites won 6 to 4 in a shoot out to become the u10 champions for the Christmas tournament. Job has had a tough outdoor season and an even tougher indoor season so this felt good. He is now a little excited to play soccer again.
Depuis la vacances pour Noel, Job avait l'occasion de jouer le football. Les garcons sont les mieux sur ses equipes. Son entraineur n'etait pas sur que Job avait assi talent mais il demande s'il veut jouer. Il dit oui et participe bien. Son equipe avait des garcon qui sont 10 ans et quelque qui sont 9 ans. Ils ont apprendre beaucoup et apres quelque practiques ils ont jouer dans trois tournoi. En le premier tournoi, les garcons jouent dans deux equipes differents. Les equipes sont pour les garcons qui sont 12 ans, alors petit Job joue avec et contre des garcons plus grands que lui. L'equipe pris le troisieme place pour ca tournoi mais il y a seulement quatre equipes. Le deuxieme tournoi, l'equipe de Job est seulement garcons qui sont 10 ans mais ils ont joue contre des equipes qui ont des garcons 12 ans. Ils ont perdu tout. Le dernier tournoi, l'equipe de Job joue contre des equipe de garcon de 10 ans. C'est magnifique. Le derniere match de tournoi, il finis 4 a 4, alors il faut joue 6 minutes plus. Apres le 6 minutes, c'est 4 a 4 deja. Il faut que trois garcon prennent de coupe contre le gardien de but pour chaque equipe. Deux garcon sur l'equipe de Job met le ball dans le but mais le gardien pour l'equipe de Job arrete le ball pour l'autre equipe. A la fin, l'equipe de Job gagne 6 a 4 et ils sont les champions pour ce tournoi.