Four square is a huge hit at youth group and at the sportsplex. Before soccer games kids gather at the four square and play. You would think that they would be practicing soccer, cheering on their siblings, or something like that. But no, four square calls them. Last night, Lona wanted to play but it was a group of boys. She was unsure of getting in line. Finally I convinced her to jump in line and take her turn. She very self-conciously stood behind the last boy. You could tell she was out of her element and nervous. Isaac was bounced out and went to the back of the line behind Lona. He carefully steered her to step forward and then tossled her hair. He kept gently moving her forward in line. I almost started crying because it was sweet and kind.
Il y a un jeu que les enfants ont joue chaque chanci ils avaient. Le jeu est quatre boite. C’est un jeu j’ai joue quand j’etais jeune. C’est amusant parce qu’il y a un quatre boite a la place nous jouons le football. Quand tous les autre equips sont practique pour leur match notre equipe joue le quatre boite. Cette nuit l’equipe de Job avait un matche, Isaac joue avec des autres garcons, mais Lona voulait jouer. Elle souci parce qu’elle une fille et peut etre les garcons n’ont pas vouloir jouer avec une fille. Je la dit qu’elle pouvait jouer, c’est d,accord. Elle vi taller en queue. Isaac attend derriere de Lona et il l’aide.