Valentine's Day

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, February 19, 2011

This may have been the first year we have actually celebrated Valentine's Day.  Job and Lona hurried through their school work and then started getting ready for the surprise party that we threw for Isaac.  We made a banner, decorated the school table, and  got out our Valentine Card making kit and our cookie decorating kit to be ready for Isaac when he walked in the door.

He was surprised and we all sat around talking, laughing, eating m&ms and hershey kisses while making valentine cards and cookies on a stick.  I may do this every year.  It is just that this year I feel a little freer in actually doing something spontaneous.  I think that this ws right up Lona's alley, Job he would rather read Calvin & Hobbes, or play Legos.  Isaac loved the surprise and Lona was all about decorating - totally in her element.

Cette annee nous avons celebre la jour de la Saint Valentin.  Job et Lona vite faisent leur devoirs et puis preparent pour la fete.  Nous avons fabrique un panneau, decore la chambre d'ecole, et misent sur la table des papier pour des cartes de la jour de la Saint Valentin.  Quand Isaac a entre, il etait surprise.  Nous avons decore des biscuit, mangons des bonbons, parlons, et rire.  Isaac sont vraiment surprise et aime la fete.  Je pense que Job l'aime mais ils aime mieux des Legos.  C'est juste le chose pour Lona.  Elle aime des preparation, les bonbons, et les cartes, tous.  Elle deviens une bonne maman.

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