What kind of parent am I?

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, February 03, 2011

The sun is shining and it's a little bit chilly but a beautiful day.  I stood on the chair this morning and peaked into Lona's bed.  The sun streaming through the window.  I quietly whispered Lona's name and watched her slowly wake up. When she noticed me, she sat up, loudly and happily said, "Good Morning, Mom!"  Ready to go for the day. And the day went on.  We had breakfast.  Lona talking and laughing.  Off to church we went, talking and laughing.  On the way to church Lona asked if she could have a friend over.  She had just spent over 24 hours with a friend and then impromptly was invited to hangout with another little girl for a couple of hours.  I reminded her of this and said that she needed to hang out at home with the family sans friends.  We sat together at church, of course Lona wanted a friend to sit with her but that didn't work out today.  After church Lona asked if we were leaving right away or if we could stay so she could hang out with friends.  I wanted to snap a few photos of some friends before leaving and I had some photos that I wanted to give to someone else.  Those things being done, we gathered kids (bringing an extra one home with us) and jumped into the van.  As we were driving out of the parking lot, John waved at a friend and we started chatting, the boys singing some of their favorite songs - White and Nerdy, Hardware Store, Couch Potato.  John and I were teasing the boys and talking.  I read parts of a Christmas letter to everyone and discussed how things have changed for them over the year.  Still we were laughing and talking.  Then I looked out at a field near our house where I took a bunch of photos of the boys.  I was just about to say something to Lona when I looked back and realized that she was not in the car.  I shout out, "We FORGOT Lona!"  Right away we all crack up laughing and John turns around quickly.  I start searching for a cell phone, only to realize that our cell phones are at home.  We of course get behind a vehicle that decided to go 10 mph slower than the speed limit.  We start talking about Home Alone and John and I feel bad about leaving her.  When we got to church we really didn't see any cars and were hoping that it was still open.  Thankfull it was but our Pastor said that Lona wasn't there and he hadn't seen her.   I totally fell for it.  Immediately I imagine Lona in the bathroom quietly crying or hiding in the chairs because we left her.  Apparently she was visiting with a friend in their van.  Their father had waved to us as we left the parking lot and then when he got into their van, he realized that she was there.  They called our home phone and John's cell to tell us Lona was with them and they were going out to lunch.  All's well that ends well.

Ce matin, il etait ensoleille.  John et moi se reveillent tot.  J'ai dit, "Bon jour" a Lona.  Il faut que j'ai pose sur une chaise parce que son lit est tout en haut.  Elle se leve ses yeux et dit bonjour a moi.  Elle commence de parler sans arrete que nous sommes a l'eglise.  La, elle visite avec ses amies avant le commence et elle visite avec ses amies apres aussi.  J'ai pris de photos d'une famile apres le service d'eglise.  C'est temps d'aller chez nous.  Nous avons pris un ami d'Isaac et Job pour l'apres midi.  Nous avons entre la voiture et commence de parler, chanter, et rire.  J'ai lit un lettre de Noel et parle qu'est qui se passe avec sa familee.  Apres vingt minute, j'ai pose un question a Lona.  Quand elle ne repond pas, je vois derriere de moi et realise qu'elle n'est pas dans la voiture.  On a oblie Lona a l'eglise.  On a commence de rire et vite retourne a l'eglise.  Mais elle n'est pas la.  Elle a quitte avec un autre famille quand elle a realise que nous avons departe sans elle.  Alors elle vas au restaurant avec cette famille et retourn chez vers quarte heurs apres-midi.  Je me sounveins un fois quand ma mere m'oublie chez nous.  J'etais quatre ans je pense.  Ma mere veux visiter sa mere aux Etats-Unis.  Je quit la voiture de ma mere parce que je veux aller avec ma Grandmere.  Mais la je pense que c'est necessaire de dire au revoir a tout la village avant depart.  Quand je retourn a la voiture de ma Grandmere, elle a deja depart.  Elle ne sais pas que je voudrais aller avec elle.  Ma mere pense que je suis avec ma grandmere et elle a depart aussi.  Elle est presque a l'aeroport quand elle a realise que je n'est pas la.  Ma mere etait fache avec mois avec bonne raison.

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