Our children received a foosball table from Grandpa Jim and loved it. They played when ever friends came over and had a blast. After a couple of years John decided that we needed to upgrade the table. So we searched on Craig's List (my new favorite site) and found one that is a little beat up. Our other one went to some friends of ours. Now the kids ask John and I to play. I can't get the hang of it but the kids will team up and play doubles. It is fun listening to them. The other day I played on Isaac's team. I was in charge of defense. Every time John got the ball, Isaac would say, "OK, watch Mom." I watched all right. I watched John score on me time after time and he was defense for his side. I had my guys in position but I couldn't do anything. I think it might have been better if I taken my hands off the bars. I kept telling Isaac that I was watching. Finally Lona took my place and the teams were rearranged. Isaac and Job played on a team and Lona was with John and it was a better match.
Les enfants aiment de jouer baby-foot. Aujourd'hui j'apprend le mot baby-foot. Le pere de John nous achetons un petit jeu de baby-foot. Apres quelques annees, John pense que nous avons besoin un grand jeu. Alors pour Noel nous l'avons acheter. Chaque mercredis, notres amis viennent pour un visit et les enfants jouent. Quelques fois, notres enfants nous demandent de jouer avec eux. Quand je joue, c'est comme il n'y a pas un personne. Isaac me dit "faire attention". Et je lui dit que je fis attention mais je ne bouge pas assez vite. Alors John joue avec Lona entre les deux garcons et c'est un matche qui sont mieux.