A shift

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, February 09, 2011

For us as a family we have not died on the homeschooling hill.  It is just another option for families in educating their children.  Some families are better served at a public school or private school and others at home.  I don't believe that homeschooling is the only way but just another way to educate the child.  John and I have always looked at homeschool in that we will continue to homeschool as long as it works for our family.  It is now time for us to make a shift.  This has been an on going discussion at our house.  We thought/considered/prayed/ and tearfully stressed about putting Isaac in school.  Last spring we had really looked into our options but it just seemed as though the door was closed to us for Isaac starting in the fall at the local middle school.  Over the course of the first semester it became obvious that he needed to experience 7th grade in a school setting.  I feel that having him at home to learn for the first seven years was absolutely the best for us (not always the case for everyone), but that has changed now. I have loved learning along side the kids and that really hasn't changed even now that Isaac is tackling harder subjects.  Algebra for me is easy and so that hasn't been a problem but there is something to be said about competition with other kids.  There is a bar set in school that we can't really set at home.  There is that unseen level at which kids strive to work hard because there are other kids around.  We all have that desire to not appear ignorant/stupid/dorky to other people and yet there is the line where we have to go the right way regardless of appearing ignornat/stupid/dorky. It really doesn't matter what we do at home, family really knows that we are dorks.  In some areas I feel sad such as reading materials,math, and science since I love what we are doing, but in other areas I am relieved.  We are going to have to adjust at home without Isaac.  Job is desperately going to miss his best friend and will have to be the big guy at home from now on.  Isaac will have to get up earlier and be responsible for getting to the bus stop with everything needed for the day.  It is a huge growing experience for him and us.  I am looking forward to it but still have a hard time believing that the day is upon us. I threatened him with walking to the bus stop and taking photos on his first day of school.
The first day came and went.  It was not the most positive experience for him.  I ended up sleeping worse the next night because of some issues.  Today was a better day and it should get better as the week goes.

Apres sept annee, nous avons decider qu'il est necessaire pour Isaac d'aller au lycee.  Il peut faire tous les sujet a la maison mais il a besoin un peu de competition en mathematique et des essais.  Pour nous les anness passes sont bien.  Nous pouvons vraiment etudier des histoires, le bible, le mathematique.  Quand nous sommes des problems avec une idee, nous pouvons prendre plus de temps pour vraiment apprendre le sujet.  Je pense que des etudes a la maison ne sont pas bon pour tous, jusque l'ecole n'est pas bon pour tous.  Apprendre a la maison est une autre option pour apprendre. Nous avons decider chaque annee si apprendre a la maison est bonne pour l'annee.  C'est annee nous avons voir que c'est temp pour une change avec Isaac et aussi pour Job.  C'est le premier fois que Job est a la maison chaque jour sans Isaac.  Isaac est son meilleur ami est il lui manque.  Apres le premier jour, il a retourn a la maison et pleur.  C'est difficile.  Il n'assis pas dans le correct place sur le bus.  Un garcon parle avec Isaac avec des mauvais mots.  Il est choquant.  Il semble que la professeur n'est pas agreable qu'il est dans sa classe.  J'espere que le deuxieme jour est meiux, et il etait mieux.

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