Cannon Beach

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Remember when we were kids.  We'd hop on our bikes and take off with friends for the afternoon.  We didn't have cell phones, our parent or parents knew all of our friends.  We had to be back for dinner, but we'd bike across town to the local pool and stay the whole day.   That isn't what it's like for our kids now.  We guard where they are at.  We give them cell phones so that we can get a hold of them instantly.  We don't go outside and yell for them, we text them.  We allow them to go to their friend's house two blocks away but they have to call when they get there.  Things have flipflopped from when we were kids. 
There weren't computers, internet and cell phones but our parents guarded what we watched.  We weren't allowed in R rated movies without an adult.  But now, our kids have access 24 hours a day to the internet and what ever movies they want but they aren't allowed to wander the neighborhood or go to the local park with friends without us being able to get a hold of them.  Enter Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center.  It's like a step back in time.  The kids make friends with other kids from Christian families.  They hang out with parents and siblings.  I'm not saying that the kids are perfect because there still is some whinning, complaining and arguing. However, I can trust the kids when they tell me they will be with their friends at the recreation center and they are there when I check on them.  They play games like pool, foosball, carpet ball, and ping pong.  In fact Job entered a foosball tournament.  He was the only kid that showed up for his age group so he was champion but then he entered the 11 and older group.  He placed 2nd.  What makes this place different from home is that I can trust the other kids as well.  I watched older kids help and encourage the younger kids.  The young adults that work with the kids are on fire for God and that enthusiasm trickles down to the kids at the conference.

Nous avons aller a Cannon Beach, Oregon.  C'est une petite ville a la cote du Oregon.  Il y a la plage avec la sable.  Nous allons a la plage chaque jour.  Il y a beaucoup des enfants qui attendents des classe.  Isaac, Job et Lona reconaitent plus des amis nouveau.  Job a apprendre de faire skimboarding.  Les autres enfants sont gentils, et je n'ai pas sousis des enfants.  Il y a une place pour jouer avec le mini-golf, la baby-foot et billard.  C'est une vacannes tres agreable pour nous.

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