Really you never know what you will find at Value Village. This time we found a telescope and it was only $10. I mean you can't pass that up. We had passed up a $50 telescope a couple of years ago but this was practically free. So we came home with a telescope. John thought that was part of having kids. We as adults would think cool but walk on by, but a kid says cool and gets it. By the time we got home Job knew how it worked using mirrors and lenses, how to set it up and focus it and why the object is upside down. He set it up and looked at the trees beyond our subdivision. You could see the leaves move! John, Job and I headed down to the soccer fields to look at Mount Baker which unfortunately was covered with clouds. Undeterred we went home only to have him look up various things online about viewing the moon. He was hoping to be able to view the moon tonight but maybe he will try for the international space station or Jupiter. We will see where this new "hobby" takes him.