Exploring: Lummi Island

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, June 05, 2021

We pulled into the parking area of the Curry Preserve finding ourselves to be the only ones there.  To the right was an apple orchard and to the left a beautiful community garden.  We took our time wandering around the garden as the gate was locked shut and admired the work each plot owner had made.  It made me think of Beatrix Potter and her Peter Rabbit stories.  The vegetables were interspersed by flowers.  The chives, alliums and onions had put out their purple flowers.  Sweet Peas were twining their tendrils around the supports and large heads of lettuce, cabbages and spinach were about ready to pick.  I wanted to run home to stake out a garden in the backyard full of yummy goodness.  Of course we couldn't forget the orchard.  There were a variety of trees from apples to plums and pears.  The map was located at the gate and the premise was that if you wanted fruit, there would be an exchange for volunteer hours at the orchard.  What a lovely way to be able to enjoy fruit without the commitment or the space to have trees.  The only thing I thought they were missing was a quince but I'm biased.  


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