Washington History Museum - Tacoma

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, February 07, 2009

On Friday we ventured down to Tacoma to the Washington History Museum. Oh this was a good trip. MP3 organized the whole thing. We showed up to catch the bus at 8am and rode for 3 hours. they had us check our bags (Isaac was able to keep his with a medical tag on it) and we were off to the races. They had a pirates and shipwreck presentation going. I was expecting a little more piratey stuff/information, but the actors were very good. We learned about DC Cooper and his famous hijack heist which was never solved.
Then we saw another actor/presenter who talked about a ship that had caught on fire near the graveyard of the Pacific and everyone had to abandon ship in 1904. They were able to put the fire out and the passengers were given the all clear sign and able to return to the ship.
We met Admiral Drake and Admiral Juan de Fuca and heard about the controversy over who actually discovered this area. Finally we met one other person who tried to make treaties with Native American over control of this area and was still searching for the famous North West Passage. After these presentations and a little free time we had lunch and then 20 more minutes before we left for the return trip. I think that we needed a little more time to explore the museum.
My absolutely favorite part was the before and after pictures of different areas of Washington. The changes in 100 years was amazing. The most amazing picture was of Mount Saint Helens. The power and destruction of a volcano is humbling to say the least. We are so NOT in control. We may think that we are but we aren't.
Lona was able to sit by herself on the way home and fell asleep. Isaac and Job snagged my Ipod and shared it for the return journey.

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