Indoor soccer

By Leslie Parks - Friday, January 29, 2010

This year the boys are involved with indoor soccer at the Sportsplex.  All three of them.  Job plays on Mondays and sometimes Fridays.  John plays on Thursdays.  Some of his games start at 11pm.  Yikes.  Isaac plays Saturday afternoons and sometimes Thursday evenings.  We are down there a lot.  I don't always go, in fact I only go about half the time.  I get too involved in the game and start shouting.  I don't stop until the game is over.  I would do that in outdoor soccer as well but John told me that I'm not allowed to.  If I stick a camera infront of my face then I'm busy taking photos and I can't yell (as much).  The problem with indoor is that my camera can't take the photos.  Too dark, until now.  John allwed me to save money and I found a lens on craig's list.  I was able to purchase it with money saved and now I can take photos, not lose my voice and I'm quieter.  The kids can't hear the parents yell anyways, there is a thick sheet of plexiglass between the crowd and the players.  I tried out the lens last night with Isaac's team.  John didn't really want me to take photos of him.  He doesn't really like being the center of attention.  I want to take a few of Job playing as well.  I can also take photos of Lona at her dance recital and photos of the kids at their piano recitals. 
Isaac has a broken arm.  The ulna and radius are both crunched near the wrist, so he's been in a cast.  The soccer rules are such that he may play soccer provided his cast is wrapped, the ref agrees, and he does not touch another player with his cast.  If he touches another player even accidentally he's out of the game.  If another player reaches over and touches his cast he's out of the game. I'm sure this is to protect both players.  We wrapped his cast in an ace bandage and off we went to the Sportsplex.  He ended up playing.  At first he was a little timid with his arm but after 5 minutes he turned it on and really hussled.  He worked on being first to the ball, passing and taking shots.  It was a fun game to watch.  They won 7 to 4. 

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