
Weekly Schedule

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, March 18, 2010

This week is a crazy week.  I think that I actually love having weeks like this because I like feeling like I've survived them- no more like conquered them.  Some how if I can get everything done and still keep my sanity then I've won.  If I lost my cool then the week was a failure.  But regardless of how it works out we still get things done, pretty or not. 
So here is the schedule this week.
Monday - first outdoor soccer practice for Isaac - John is co-coach.  Laundry has to get done.
Tuesday - orthodontic consulting appointmen, oil change & transmission flush, Job's first outdoor soccer practic (John is coach), Lona's first outdoor soccer practice which she missed because it is at the same time as her last tap dance class before recital.
Wednesday - Isaac & Job's endocrinologist appointment in Seattle, Awana (Job had a blood draw & bone age x-ray)
Thursday - Job's soccer practice & Lona's dress rehearsal in Everson, MP3 survey due
Friday - Lona's dance recital, meal to a neighbor who broke her wrist.  (That is my top priority - the rest can really go by the way side if needed.)

I have a craft to get ready for sunday school, 30 day reviews for MP3 and reciepts.  I am taking a scrapbooking class, exercising at 5:30 am and going through a photography book.  Under all that fluff is school, laundry, meals, keeping the house picked up - not cleaned. I know that this is a season in my life and will not last.  These are the weeks were I really have to rely upon my God because there is no way I can get through them, and when I do I've conquered the week. When weeks aren't so crazy then I tend to get by on my own power.  I just love life.
Cette semaine nous avons beaucoup des choses de faire. 
Lundi, Isaac avait son premiere entrainement de football dehors.  John est l'entraineur avec un autre homme pour Isaac. 
Merdi, Job avait son premiere entrainement de football dehors.  John est le seul entraineur.  Lona avait sa course de dance.  C'est sa derniere course avant son expose et a le meme temps elle avait son premiere entrainement de football dehors qu'elle avait manquer.  Nous avons aller a le dentiste pour Isaac et apres aller de change l'huile dans le voiture. 
Mercredi, nous sommes alles a Seattle chez docteur pour Isaac et Job.  Job avais un x-ray parce qu'il est tros petite.  Nous avons arrives chez nous en temp d'aller a Awana.
Jeudi, nous avons l'entrainement pour Job et repetition generale de dance pour Lona
Vendredi, c'est l'expose de dance pour Lona
Samedi, c'est l'expose de dance pour Lona encore.

J'aime les semaine comme ca parce qu'il est un provocation pour moi.  J'espere que je passe cette semaine joyeux avec mes enfants et n'est pas comme faicher avec lui ou moi.

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