This is my friend Shawn Marie. I remember the night that I met her. Another friend had invited us to dinner with this other family. Shawn Marie was wearing this very stylish black shirt and pants and she was chasing this little boy around, telling everyone how her girls weren't like this. She was talking about work and her husband who couldn't make it because he worked a swing shift. I thought she worked full time outside the home as some business executive. It wasn't until later that I really got to know her. She is funny, loves to laugh, caring about her husband and family, a believer in the Lord. She is just full of life. It is amazing how upbeat she always seems to be even in the midst of trials. I take her two boys with me when we go to Awana and getting to know them over the past two or so years has been a lot of fun. Sometimes they say the most interesting thing and they make me laugh .It has been such a pleasure to get to know her and her family.
C'est mon amie Shawn Marie. Elle avait cinq enfants entre l'ages de 22 ans et 6 ans, trois filles et deux garcons. Je me souviens la nuit quand je la connais. Il y a presque 10 ans. Nous avons faire beaucoup des chose avec cette familee. Nous prennons le dinner, nous guardons leurs enfants et ils gaurdent notre enfants. Nous faire du camping, nous jouons le jeu de volant ensemble et nous nagons ensemble a ma maison. J'ai le plaisire de connaitre cette femme et sa familee.