The Aquarium

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, April 17, 2013

With all I said about spring break, I tried to do something with just the kids to make break fun.  The original plan was to ski.  I picked Lona up early from a sleep over on the way to the ski hill.  It wasn't looking good as we driving up.  I thought that if it was icy in the morning it would be OK.  But it was slushy on the hill.  I wasn't going to spend $150 to ski in slush.  Maybe if they had 1/2 price tickets it would have been OK but not full price.  We turned around and headed home.  I hit a robin with the car.  Bummer.  We threw out all different possibilities of what to do with our day.  Job had practice at 5:30 so what ever it was he has to be back by then.  Tulip fields, hiking, swimming, aquarium.  The aquarium won out.  Not with everyone but enough.  We dropped off the skis at home, grabbed some lunch, called John to get a permission slip, found our passports and all the cameras and headed out.  We needed to stop at BP first and on our way, hit a deer.  Hmm, the animals are getting larger, is a sign.  Nope.  Breezed through customs, no need for a permission slip. Took forever to get to the aquarium, we went a round about way but less stop lights then we've done in the past.  Once at the aquarium, we spent at least an hour before we even walked outside looking at the inside animals.  Isaac was the odd man out - no camera.  We saw all kinds of tropical fish.  They had all kinds of creatures from our area as well.  It was pretty neat.  Job is my animal kid.  He reads all the plaques and stores that information in his head.  Wandering outside, we saw the beluga whales, white crest dolphines, sea otters and sea lions.  The kids talked me into staying for the last beluga whale show and found a place front and center in the splash zone.  They were ready to get wet.  I played it say in the no splash zone with all of the cameras.  And they didn't get wet.  They were so disappointed.  However it was better that way.  We left the park at a different point then when we went in and I had to guess how to get back.  I asked one person and his information was "You need to go to Surrey."  Yes, thank you I know that, which street do I take to get to 99.  He wasn't very forth coming with that information.  I did know that I needed to go south and not north.  The map we bought for Vancouver was still in John's truck so that was no help, but we found our streets and headed back.  The border crossing wasn't bad but we were 1/2 hour late to practice.  Good thing I had Job's soccer stuff in the car.  Four hours at the aquarium was a good amount of time.

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