Sledding the Volcano

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, January 07, 2014

We usually go up to Mount Baker the day after Christmas however this year we postponed it because we were going with our Youth Group.  It ended up being mostly middle school girls and mostly high school guys.  The guys were in one bus the girls in the other.  I had the privilege of riding a little bit in each bus, and I would have to say that I liked the guys bus better.  They were quiet.  Isaac was even a little anti-social.  He put his ear buds in.  Why?  The girls on the otherhand talked constantly and sang "99 Bottles of Milk on the Wall".  I was so ready to get out!  We got up there around noon and had a blast sledding.  The area we were at had some pretty steep hills and then some not so steep parts but lots of jumps.  The best part of it was the day.  The sun was out, and it was beautiful.  I don't mind it being cold as long as the sun is out.  Isaac and two other boys had decided that they were too cool to sled there and went looking for another sledding place.  They told Job where they were going but it really wasn't where we thought they were.  Apparently over there means a different direction to them than it does to  us. We never did find them, but they had a phone so we called.  The rest of us hung out and had a ton of fun.  When Isaac returned I tackled him and took him down the hill on his stomach.  One of the young leaders dug out a hole and then filmed another kid sledding over top.  It is an amazing video!

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