

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Isaac is taking this class at school called Drafting and Design.  He made this little airplane out of a soda can.  Always thinking of his siblings he asked for the plans and brought them home.  One of our advent calendar activities was to make ornaments.  This year we made these planes.  I saved up the cans and cut the top and bottom off...

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Mount Baker

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 27, 2011
It has been our tradition for I can't remember how long to go sledding at Mount Baker after Christmas.  The only difference this year was that we went skiing instead.  Isaac has a friend that skis so we brought him with us.  We skied all together in the morning. But in the afternoon, Job took a lesson and we sent Isaac, Ben and Lona...

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By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 26, 2011
Another trip to Green's Corner.  We've been waiting for a time when all the kids are home so we could walk down and have hot cocoa.   There's a whole lot of goofing off on the way there and back.  We order a variety of things: hot cocoa, chocolate milkshakes, coffee, chocolate milk, cookies - do you see a pattern?  We bring books and...

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Christmas Eve and Day

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 25, 2011
I wanted to enjoy Christmas Eve and Day without worrying about getting it on my blog.  After looking at the photos I wish I would have taken a group shot of the kids but I didn't.  Christmas Eve found us going to church for a short candle light service singing songs and listening to short messages about Christ.  After service we went through...

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Nativity Ballet

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 22, 2011
Last year Lona joined the Dancing for Joy ballet school.  They were having a Christmas program so we signed Lona up for that as well.  She was given the part of a Star last year and held the hoopla over Joseph and Mary.  This year her part was that of an Angel.  We went to every Friday practice.  She learned her part and...

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Five players, a ball, and a court =

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 21, 2011
You may think that it is basketball but you would be wrong.  It is actually Futsal.  I know what in the world is Futsal?  Think of five guys a side and a soccer ball but smaller and less bouncy (30% less bounce) than a standard size 5 soccer ball.  Futsal is a game that has been around for 32 years in the US.  Which...

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Waiting and Watching

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Waiting to see if the UPS has a package for them.  Waiting for Christmas morning.  Waiting.  Sometimes Job comes to me as if in agony.  "I just can't bear it.  It's torture.  I can't standing waiting but I have to." he says. Attendre.  Attendent pour le camion s'il avait un cadeau pour eux.  Attendent pour le matin du Noel.  Attendre. Quelque fois Job...

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By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I decided to take some staged photos of the kids.  Lona had her dance recital and I really wanted photos of her before turning in her wings.  She was an Angel in the program.  Je decide de prendre des photos de mes enfants.  Lona a sa considérant la danse.  Je veux des photos a elle avec ses ailes.  Elle etait un ange.  C'est...

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Wreath making

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 10, 2011
We are getting ready for Christmas around here.  We have our fake tree up, the nativity, the advent calendar, and the mantel decorated.  Last year my neighbor invited me to make my own wreath.  I brought my own supplies last year - dried oranges and gold screen leaves.  This year I also brought my own supplies, gold wired ribbon, silvery leaves and gold...

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Deck the Halls and Tree

By Leslie Parks - Friday, December 09, 2011
Our advent activity was to decorate the tree.  Still waiting for John to put the topper on it.  That's his job besides getting the tree out of storage.  Lona decorated her tree nice all pretty with dolls at the bottom and well then there is the boys' tree.  Let's just say they get no say in the family tree decorating department. We put up...

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