
Deck the Halls and Tree

By Leslie Parks - Friday, December 09, 2011

Our advent activity was to decorate the tree.  Still waiting for John to put the topper on it.  That's his job besides getting the tree out of storage.  Lona decorated her tree nice all pretty with dolls at the bottom and well then there is the boys' tree.  Let's just say they get no say in the family tree decorating department.

We put up our tree on Friday but no decorations other than lights until Tuesday.  After all the ornaments were up I ordered some french script wired ribbon to use as garland.  I like our tree much better now.  I still like it only with the lights on.  It just is missing something when the lights are turned off.  I had thought about getting a new tree; a 9ft tall one because we have our tree in the entry way and we have tall ceilings there but the one I found (on sale at 50% off) was still too much.  I think our tree will last aboiut 10 more years or so. 
Nous avons mis notre arbre de noel en vendredi avec les lumieres.  Mais les ornement attendent jusque merdi. Nous attendons pour l'etoile.  C'est John qui mis l'etoile en haut d'arbre.    Lona a un petit arbre a sa chambre.  Elle l'a decore plus jolie avec des poupe et d'un ors en bas.  L'arbre des garcons n'est pas assez joli.  Ils n'ont pas un voix avec l'arbre du famille.  J'achete des ruban de papier pour la guirlande.  Les mots sont tous en francais.  Je voudrais achete un arbre plus grande mais c'est trop chere.  Peut-etre dans 10 annee. 

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